Physical Education & Health Teacher Email Phone: (262) 538-1130 x2056 Educational Background - UW-Whitewater Bachelor of Arts - Physical Education Teaching, Health, Adapted PE
- Coaching certifications
Professional Development - I have attended the last 5 WHPE Conventions
- Organized, Attended and Presented at The Best of the Midwest Teacher Fest 2019
- I have attended SHAPE America's National Convention in 2016, 2017, & 2018
- National PE Institute - 2015 & 2017
Number of Years Teaching: 20 Number of Years at Merton: 20 Teaching Philosophy: - I believe health and physical education should provide health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to create an environment that promotes the development of life long movers. Health and physical education students will be provided with the necessary tools to make good decisions regarding all components of their health and wellness.
Hobbies - Family time
- Being outdoors
- Running
- Hiking
- Biking
- Swimming
- Coaching my kids sports
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